Personal News Bulletin

Well, it looks like I'll be moving yet again. I've received an offer from a government contractor in the DC area. I should start work within a month, which gives me a little bit of a cushion to get most of my stuff moved down there. I'm excited about moving back to the south, although I'll miss all my friends and family in the buckeye state. There are still some details to be worked out with this job, so there is a narrow possibility it will fall through. Still, with some luck and good planning, I should be down in DC within a month.

And now, I arrogantly do a small interview with myself to try to answer any questions that might crop up:

Q: How can you move yet again?
A: Gotta follow the money, babe.

Q: Aren't you concerned about living and working so close to a terrorist target?
A: Not just no, but hell no. I've come to terms with my mortality in this world, and what will happen, will happen. Besides, I believe in living life to the fullest.

Q: But couldn't you live life to the fullest someplace else?
A: Not without a job. See answer #1; you gotta follow the money.

Q: Is this a step up?
A: Depends on what you call a step up. From being unemployed it is a definite step up. From my previous position, I'll be making slightly less money. (very slightly) Then again, my old company was in a dire financial condition, and raises were becoming few and far between. This company is much more financially sound, and has the potential to be far more lucrative.

Q: Define lucrative.
A: Being a smaller company, it has much greater potential for raises, and advancement. I'm excited about the opportunity, and my new company. From what I've read, and the people I've met, it looks like a wonderful place to work. I think I'll be very happy at my new place of employment.

Q: How long were you unemployed? Were you getting desperate?
A: Not really. I'd only been unemployed for about four months. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm pretty much financially sound. If worse comes to worse, I could take a year off without pay before having to rely on friends and family to keep me from being homeless. Sure, I'd hate it and have to make adjustments, like maybe selling my car for a more modest one, but I'd get by.

Q: So how much did being unemployed really cost you?
A: Well, it hasn't really cost me anything yet. I've been drawing severance pay all this time, and never even filed for unemployment. My severance runs out very soon, but I'm still not too worried. Several people told me I was stupid for not taking advantage of free government unemployment money. Still, something in me told me that I'd be much more motivated if I saved my unemployment benefits until I really REALLY needed them. Besides, living off the state just isn't my style. It goes against everything in my being. If I file for unemployment, you know I'm getting desperate.

Q: Enough about you and your moral superiority complex, what about your readers. Will your weblogging suffer?
A: Well, both my readers should be fine. I might miss a few weblogging days here and there, but for the most part it is a short move. I guess it depends on how quickly I can get my utilities set up down there.

Q: If money were to become a problem, would you try making money from weblogging?
A: I doubt I have the traffic to do that. I personally abhor popup ads and banners. I'd rather 'cut off my nose to spite my face' than do that. That is, I'd rather shut down operations than resort to cyberbegging, advertising, or what ever. I just cannot do it.

Well, I hope that answers any questions you might have. Any others can be submitted in the comments or with the feedback form.

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Congrats on the job! Listen, if you want someone to hack into your computer and pretend they're you while blogging, I'll be happy to do it. I've been wanting to release some of my more liberal tendencies anyway....

Posted by: Venomous Kate at March 20, 2003 12:19 AM

Be down in DC during Memorial Day weekend. Maybe we'll see each other (or course I have no idea what you look like and vise versa - oh well).

Posted by: bogie at March 20, 2003 6:56 AM

Actually, If I'm going to be down for a week or more, I might recruit a blogsitter.

Posted by: Ravenwood at March 20, 2003 3:40 PM

Venomous Kate as a prospective blogsitter has better "assets" than your previous one!

Posted by: Tazteck at March 20, 2003 9:32 PM

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