Boo hoo hoo

Kudos to Michele for pointing out this SF Chronicle story. The headline reads "War protesters not too thrilled about their night in S.F. jail / They say police were rude, food and bedding inadequate". But wait, the whining gets better:

"We understand that we were not on vacation, but it was unacceptable the way we were treated," said a protester who gave her name as Pancetta, 24, of Berkeley.

They griped that their requests for water or food were ignored or delayed for hours. When they did get fed, they got cheese or peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches that didn't taste great.

It never ceases to amaze me how people that willingly violate the law can complain about the way they were treated. Perhaps they could have been boarded with one of these commuters, or with the guy who makes his living off of this newspaper box. Weren't these the same people that were trying to justify their actions by saying that a little inconvenience never hurt anybody?

Category:  Schadenfreude
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That's just like the prisoners (jailhouse lawyers) who are always suing the prison system over some imagined wrong. The soup is too cold, they don't serve his brand of coffee, other silliness.

Uh, it's PRISON. It's not supposed to be comfortable!

The mind reels. What got me today (and I am pretty much against war, but this really embarrassed ME!) was the report of violence breaking out among the anti-war protesters. Is this an oxymoron or WHAT?!

Posted by: Joni at March 23, 2003 1:06 AM

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