Newsweek cuts on the bias

Newsweek and MSNBC offer up this biased editorialized gem in their 'War on Iraq' news section. The very first line is "Happy to have the messy diplomacy behind him, Bush settles into the cadences of commander in chief." Yeah, war is always better than diplomacy, and killing people is so much easier than talking to them.

They also take several shots at the President's intellect, saying he didn't like the movie Conspiracy Theory because it had a "slow start, confusing plot, [it's] just a mess." Later on, they play the 'Bush is an idiot' card.

This is a president who likes his stories upbeat, his plotlines simple and his villains clearly marked. So it was no surprise that last week he settled comfortably -- almost with a sense of relief -- into the constitutional role he has come to like best: commander in chief.

(link via Neal)

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