Ravenwood - 03/24/03 11:38 AM
As someone who wouldn't piss on Michael Moore if he was on fire, I like to keep a close eye on Moore Watch. Today, they note that Moore's Academy Award winning 'documentary' is a bit loose with the facts. Of course, most people knew that already, but here is the evidence de-bunking his 'gun in the bank' story. Apparently, if you had watched Moore's mockumentary (I have not), you would have seen him walk into a bank to open a new account. He fills out some forms, they hand him a gun as a perk, and he walks out.
The truth is, the process isn't quite so streamlined, and as they point out, Moore is either "making a statement of fact that's contrary to physical evidence" or "presenting a 'reality' that only exists through filmmaking."
Editor's Note: The Staff Writers at Ravenwood's Universe can only feel sorry for the folks that made real, honest documentaries that were overlooked by the Academy out of sheer popularity.
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