Ravenwood - 04/28/03 10:31 AM
Adam Sparks publishes his Liberal-English dictionary, in of all places, the S.F. Gate.
Advantaged, the: 1) Anyone who has a strong sense of self-responsibility, works hard for their money or pays taxes. 2) Anyone who believes in the American Dream. 3) White or Asian American.This is just a small taste; be sure to check out the full list.Affirmative Action: Getting back at the Advantaged
Fascist, a: 1) Anyone who is not a Progressive (see below). 2) People who believe in America's system of merit and capitalism. 3) Conservatives. (Note: Doesn't include Leftist genocidal tyrants who brutalize their people in nations throughout the world.) 4) George W. Bush.
People of Color: The current politically correct appellation for minorities. We've come a long way since that very offensive term "colored people."
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