Ravenwood - 05/07/03 10:36 AM
EU 'greenhouse' emissions continue to rise, despite ratifying the Kyoto treaty. UPI reports that 10 of the 15 member states missed their targets, resulting in a net increase of total emissions by 1 percent. The Kyoto treaty is supposed to cut greenhouse gasses and help offset the perceived threat of global warming. Ironically, the European Environment Agency blames the increase in output of greenhouse gases on a cold winter in many EU countries.
That doesn't stop the EU from being upbeat about meeting their Kyoto goal. "Our findings demonstrate that the Kyoto targets can be met without imposing unacceptable costs on society. Meeting them is a question of political will and full and effective implementation of the measures agreed," said EU Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstrom.
I guess some people see the good in everything.
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