Media Gun Bias II

iconThe LA Times, a member of the largely distrusted American media, jumps aboard the ignorance bandwagon, by helping to propagate the myth that if the Assault Weapons Ban is not renewed, our streets will suddenly be filled with fully automatic firearms. They must be guilty of one of the following: They do not know that the Assault Weapons Ban does not regulate fully automatic firearms; they have no comprehension of the difference between semi-automatic and fully-automatic firearms; they know the truth, but are deliberately putting out false information as part of a larger left wing conspiracy to further their anti-gun agenda. You decide which you think is correct. As for my evidence, take a look at this quote from their op-ed: (emphasis mine)

This month, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) began a hard fight to get Congress to reauthorize the federal assault weapons ban she courageously championed 10 years ago. Unless Congress acts, the ban will expire in September and manufacturers will once again be able to legally sell these mass-murder machines.

There is no legitimate use for the Uzis and AK-47s and the dozens of other assault guns that can spray 30 bullets in five seconds.

It's no wonder that Americans rank journalists as bottom feeders when it comes to ethics.

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Why should reality have anything to do with gun control news?? It never has and quite likely never will. You might think they would make a token pass at fact-based reporting.

Posted by: Michael at May 19, 2003 12:05 PM

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