Ravenwood - 05/20/03 11:15 AM
"Marky" Mark Wahlberg has a new movie coming out called the Italian Job. It's about a heist, and some sort of traffic jam. From looking at the trailer, it appears to be another 'Flash and Trash' movie with lots of eye candy but very little plot. Still, it got me to wondering about Wahlberg and gun control. I've actually thought of this before, but never bothered to post it here.
Just how is it that Mark Wahlberg is permitted to handle and use guns in his movies? Wahlberg has several felony convictions, which IMDb describes as "minor" in one biography, and itemizes as a robbery and assault conviction, coupled with a history of stealing, scamming, and "working on the odd drug deal", in another biography.
To the best of my knowledge, even mock and disabled firearms are not permitted to be possessed by convicted felons. So, has Wahlberg used his celebrity status to get an exemption for the possession of a firearm? I would find that interesting, since good guys like Thomas Bean are denied their gun rights, while the government and gun grabbers look the other way when it comes to Hollywood movie stars.
Where is the outrage from AGS and Sarah Brady?
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