Stupid is as stupid does

iconIf you are thinking about impersonating a cop, you may want to be careful and not pull over a real policeman.

KANSAS CITY - Police say a man who was playing law enforcement officer made a big mistake Tuesday night in Kansas City. He stopped a real policeman.

Officials say the man used a flashing blue light atop his car to pull over an off-duty officer. The officer, in his personal car, was suspicious because Kansas City police use a combination of red and blue emergency lights.

When the real officer started asking him questions, the impersonator fled in his dark Ford Crown Victoria, a car commonly used by police. He was captured after a brief chase.

Category:  Dumb Criminals
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What an idiot!!!

Posted by: SageOne at June 12, 2003 9:01 AM

I bet that when the light is just right, you can actually see the cold hand of Darwin reaching out for assholes like this.

Posted by: robert at June 12, 2003 4:12 PM

OMG not my own state!

I think I heard about this case, there was also a case of a man that would follow women from gas stations down lonely backroads, flash red or blue lights to get them to pull over, then rape them on the side of the road.....

If your EVER in doubt that the car behind you is really police or not, follow these instructions, put your flashers on, slow down, call 911 on your cell phone immediately, tell the dispatcher where you are and that your unsure if it's really a police car behind you. In at least one case a woman called 911 the police dispatcher was able to get 4 Highway Patrol units to her within 5 minutes, the man was arrested in that case.

If you are afraid NOT to pull over, then pull over in a well light (if it's dark) location, under a street lamp is great, if the "officer" is NOT in uniform and just walks up, make sure all doors are locked, crack your window just enough that you can speak and polietly ask the officer to have a uniformed officer called. Real police will NOT get upset at this request, and instead will call for a marked unit. It's better to be safe than sorry!!!!

If you don't have a cell phone this method above works, if this person tries to get into the car, HIT THE GAS and run... to the nearest police station.

This also is good advice if you suspect you are being followed, simply drive to the nearest police station, or an area you know is well light, and has alot of people.

I hope this helps!

Posted by: Rottielover at October 8, 2003 3:48 PM

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