Computers for the masses

icon"...not all kids can afford to have a good computer at home. No problem, the state can simply issue them and raise taxes to pay for it." -- Ravenwood, October 14, 2002.

"Maine school gives students own laptops" -- CNN, June 15, 2003.

The state does not yet have the money, but [Gov. John] Baldacci said he'll "turn over every stone" to find a way to expand the program. [...]

"I'm optimistic. You can't hold this back. Parents have told me, 'You better not touch that laptop fund,"' he said. "It's almost like the students and families are going to be demanding that it be continued and expanded."

The Maine Learning Technology Initiative notes that their primary goal is "providing the funding to equip all 7th and 8th grade public school students and teachers across the state with portable computers."

I'm somewhat torn on what position to take here. I want to envision a Wesley Crusher-like learning environment, where all classrooms are equipped with state of the art built-in computers. Instead, I end up wondering how out of date the computers are going to be, and how much it is all going to cost. Especially since we live in a time when parents are getting all the tax breaks, and those of us that thus far do not have any children, are footing most of the bill. I also wonder why Maine is using expensive Apple computers when the business world largely uses more inexpensive PCs. Perhaps that is just my Steve Jobs is a commie pinko anti-Apple attitude showing through.

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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i still don't think these kids need their own computers. just add a computer lab or two, fill it with pcs, and update every few years.

"but like, what if there are no comps. for me?!"

you know those things in the library, made from dead trees? books? USE THEM!

Posted by: Samkit at June 16, 2003 11:30 PM

Soon, we'll be paying taxes to educated our kids AT HOME!

Why bother with taking the kids to school when their computers can connect them to a virtual classroom?

Posted by: Da Goddess at June 17, 2003 1:54 PM

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