Coke Driver Who Drank Pepsi Told to Hit Road?

iconNaturally, "Big Union" is claiming that driver, Rick Bronson, is being fired because he helped organize the Coke merchandisers in Southern California. While I've never worked for Coca-Cola Enterprises, (CCE), I have worked for the Coca-Cola Company. (Yes, they are two different companies). I can attest to you that the attitude there is very serious. If you want to work for Coke, you do not drink Pepsi. It is that simple.

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If you work for Coke but like Pepsi, then drink Pepsi it at home. Don't go out in a Coke truck, wearing a Coke uniform while stocking the Coke racks and drink Pepsi while doing it!

Posted by: bogie at June 17, 2003 6:24 AM

And don't eat lunch at Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken or Pizza Hut (all Pepsi Cola owned Enterprises). Also don't eat or be seen near ANY establishment that serves Pepsi.

One thing that didn't come out in anything said or written about this issue is that it was one of Coca-Cola's own employees that turned me in.

No customers or store employees witnessed my "slanderous act" in fact I removed the lable from the bottle so as not to draw attention to it.

No one other than somebody in the beverage business would have been aware this was a Pepsi product.

I don't want to sound like a little kid by saying "if they can do it, so can I" but the management hypocrites at Coke have been sucking down Arrowhead water from coolers right in the office breakroom for years!.

Arrowhead is a direct competitor to Coke's Dasani and Evian products.

Make no mistake, Coke has known for years that other Coke employees drink non-Coca Cola products. It wasn't until after they (Coke) lost a close Union vote that any of this came about.

Posted by: Ric Bronson at March 24, 2004 12:31 AM

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