Inalienable? Never heard of it.

icon"Throughout my public service career, I have been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the rights that it grants." -- Ohio Republican (RINO) Gov. Bob Taft, expressing his "strong" support for the Second Amendment, in a letter to the editor of the Toledo Blade.

A few paragraphs later, Taft claimed that Ohio's conceal carry House Bill 12 (which passed the house by a veto-proof majority) is "unacceptable". He thinks that people traveling with children should not be able to safeguard them with a firearm. He also thinks that any concealed carry bill should not be in effect once you get into your car.

The trouble with Taft, and other politicians goes beyond the scope of guns and the Second Amendment. The notion that the inalienable rights protected by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution are somehow "granted" by the government, is exactly what is wrong with today's politicians and judges. This is exactly the type of attitude that caused Supreme Court Justice O'Conner to say that the University of Michigan has a "compelling interest" to violate the 14th Amendment.

Even though the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law...", a federal judge somehow held that the campaign finance reform provision that makes it illegal to criticize a politician 60 days before an election is perfectly legal.

In New Jersey, the Democrat party looked for a "friendly" judge to 'interpret' a law that said "51 days" to actually mean "30 days" when they needed to make a ballot switcheroo. Nobody seemed to care what the law said, or that absentee voting had already begun.

We've gotten to the point where the Constitution doesn't mean anything to anyone anymore. Judges, who hold very little accountability, simply change the law to fit their situation on a whim.

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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If you can't beat 'em cheat'em.

Posted by: Michael at June 26, 2003 11:58 AM

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