Throwing my vote away

iconMany pundits talk about Democrats taking advantage of the "Black Vote". The implication is that since blacks vote for Democrats on the order of 95% or more, Dems never really have to give them any concessions. They just keep stringing them along with empty promises.

Today, I was reminded that Republicans do just about the same thing to Libertarians. To wit, John Hawkins:

Oh and don't even talk to me about the Libertarians -- it's easy to talk about cutting the budget down to size when you're out of power, aren't going to be in power, and don't ever have to answer to the voters.
Well, if spend-thrift Republicans are turning their back on their own conservative base, how can we Libertarians expect any loyalty? Truth be told, we can't. I will say that I do participate in primary elections, so at least have some say about who is coming up for election on the Republican ticket.

For the major elections, when 2004 rolls around, Bush will not be my only choice. In 2000, I noticed more than half a dozen different names on the ballot. This time around there could be even more. Hell, I've always got the write-in space. I know what some of you are probably thinking, "Go ahead. Throw your vote away." Well, why shouldn't I? The Republicans are acting like they don't need it.

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