Canadian Navy to take a year off

iconThe Canadian Navy is "worn out" and taking a year off. How can they afford to do that? Aren't they afraid of invasion? Who will protect them?

It must be nice to have the luxury of unwavering American protection. Even though they didn't support us in Iraq, they still depend on us to keep them safe. Is there any chance that we'd just look the other way if someone like Russia, Greenland, or the Rhode Island National Guard just up and decided to conquer Canada?

Category:  Get Your War On
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lol. Who would want Canada anyway? Actually, I think we should let Canada join the United States as a country and not let them vote. Ever. Because we could really use a discount on all those trees, but they are so friggin liberal, who would want them to be alloud to vote?

Posted by: John Mays at July 1, 2003 10:26 AM

Thats utterly pitiful...

Posted by: Dave at July 1, 2003 3:10 PM

Ha! Thank you.
Freakin Canadians have been gravytraining on our freedom for too long.
How about we send our boyscouts up there to take over?

Posted by: DeAnna at July 4, 2003 12:08 AM

Good grief. I think my son's Boy Scout troop could defeat their pitiful armed forces.

Posted by: Kim du Toit at July 4, 2003 12:32 AM

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