Pentagon may soon be watching you

iconAm I the only one concerned about this technology? I can see England jumping on this product right away. Some local lawmakers of cities in the U.S. probably won't be too far behind.

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city.
It sounds like just another big step toward the Orwellian nightmare to me.

Related articles:
It's 1984 in Oregon - 06/03/2003

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"Dubbed "Combat Zones That See," the project is designed to help the U.S. military protect troops and fight in cities overseas. "

As long as they use it for military purposes, I'm not too worried. Like you said though, when they try to get that stuff passed for local use, I get worried.

Posted by: thebear at July 2, 2003 10:58 AM

Use of GPS in Afghanistan and Iraq has been, for the most part, very successful. Now the state of Oregon is proposing its use in the tracking of vehicles in order to assess taxes for road mileage. link

I'd keep and eye that planned military technology.

Posted by: tom scott at July 2, 2003 2:42 PM

The only way they'll get that over here, is if the bastards can find a way to get car drivers taxed (yet more) to pay for it.

Posted by: robert at July 2, 2003 3:00 PM

Check out the Oregon article. The whole GPS scheme is built around taxation for actual miles used vs. gas consumed.

The biggest hurdle for that particular piece of legislation is the envirowackos. They contend (rather correctly) that taxing miles driving will ruin the incentive to buy fuel efficient vehicles. Granted the usage costs are still higher for a gas-guzzler than not, the tax hit won't be as much.

Posted by: Ravenwood at July 2, 2003 3:08 PM

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