1984: UK to offer people tracking service

iconThe AP reports that a service being unveiled in the UK will enable subscribers to track people by their mobile phone signals. The service promises to be accurate to within 50 yards, and is being marketed toward concerned parents.

But how long before your boss, your teacher, or the government is using the service to track people's whereabouts. If you call in sick, your boss better not catch you hanging out in the upper deck of Turner Field.

Of course, with GPS services being added to cell phones so that enhanced 911 can find people in distress, the accuracy is only going to improve.


Many truck drivers in the U.S. are already tracked by their employers.

When I call in - I never lie. I don't say I'm sick (if I'm not), I just say that I won't be making it in that day.

Posted by: bogie at August 8, 2003 8:54 PM

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