How not to bring people back to CA

icon"The folks at the top have to pay their fair share. The folks at the bottom have to pay something and the people being squeezed in the middle need some relief from the car tax and college fees." -- California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante discussing his tax plan.

It sounds to me like Bustamante wants to raise taxes on the "rich", and the "poor" while giving the middle class some tax relief. I don't think he's going to cover much of the $38 Billion deficit by raising taxes on the poor. He can raise taxes on the "rich" but that's only going to drive them deeper into a recession as more people flee the state.

Come to think of it, I cannot come up with a single good reason to move to California. Unless I were offered the job of a lifetime, there is no way in hell I'd ever move out there. Between the smog, the traffic, the stifling taxes, and the insane gun laws I just don't see the appeal. Not to mention natural disasters such as fires, floods, mudslides, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and drought. My guess is that the reason many people live there is because either they were born there or they have family they don't want to leave behind.

Category:  Notable Quotables
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California isn't that can get natural disasters in any state. The weather's nice, we've got great beaches, and there is much less smog than there used to be. Traffic is only bad in the major cities.

As for earthquakes specifically, I'd rather live in California than New York. New York is due for a "Big One" just like California. At least we are better prepared for it.

You're pretty much right about the political stuff, though :_(

Posted by: Matt Harris at August 20, 2003 9:26 PM

That's Cruz N-Word Bustamante, please.

Posted by: todd at August 21, 2003 3:48 PM

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