Schumer: Nationalize Power Grid

iconIt seems like every time we have a bump in the road, some politician (usually a Democrat) wants the federal government to take over total control to make sure that it never happens again. After the blackout, it was inevitable that some socialist/fascist politician would suggest federal control of our nations power grid. Enter Sen. Chuck Schumer, Socialist-NY. He claims that all our power problems would be solved through tight nazi-like governmental control over the power system. Thank you Chuck, for not disappointing us.

There is a very simple solution: the grid should be national and governed by not by the utilities and not by certain states which have their own parochial interests... it should be governed by the federal government.
It is so simple. The all wonderful federal government that, in a passionate moment after 9-11, gave us the TSA; a marvel of modern efficiency and safety, will use their police power to seize control of the power grid. This is just an instant replay of the 9-11 formula of striking while the iron is hot. The blackout is still fresh in people's minds, so what better time to make the big government power grab than right now.

In the immortal words of Leia Organa: "The more you tighten your grip [Schumer], the more systems will slip through your fingers."


Given the legendary competancy and efficiency exhibited by the IRS, I can see Chucky's point. Clearly Civil Servants are the answer to this problem. Given the low pay rates associated with Civil Service we will probably save money as well.

Posted by: Michael at August 25, 2003 11:34 AM

Too bad a majority of the population seeks instant gratification, and forces Government to issue a statement to "strike while the iron is hot". If the government doesn't do something, then they will be accused of NOT addressing the issue. Too bad a majority of the population doesn't understand that the power grids are not the governments responsibility.

Posted by: Charles at August 25, 2003 3:01 PM

just the sort of thing the founding fathers were trying to avoid by resting the power in the hands of the states in the Articles of Confederation. Unfortunately, the Articles didn't work and they rewrote it with a more powerful central government....

now, they're taking it even further and grabbing more and more power for the feds. yuck. Unfortuately, many people think the federal government should do it all. Read the ones that blame Bush for unemployment and demand that he create jobs for them..... a function never, ever intended for the government!). Lezzie-Faire (I know I spelled that wrong, but I dont' feel like looking it up right now) my ass!

Posted by: Jim S at August 25, 2003 4:17 PM

I don't see why the Post Office couldn't run the power grid, and it would hold down the price of stamps too.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at August 25, 2003 6:28 PM

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