Liberalism killed NYC Councilman

iconIn an irrational response to the shooting death of city councilman James Davis, the NYC Council is considering 6 new gun laws for the city, which already has some of the harshest gun laws in the nation.

One of the proposed bills would make gunmakers, dealers, and importers liable for damages if their weapons are used to hurt or kill people in the city.

Another bill would ban gun dealers from selling more than one firearm to the same person within 90 days.

Also under consideration is a measure that would require gun owners in the city to obtain liability insurance.

Each one of these bills has been created to prevent law abiding citizens from purchasing firearms. The liability issue has been tested and failed in numerous courts, while a law banning multiple purchases would do nothing to make the city safer. After all, if someone wants to kill someone else, what difference does it make whether he has one gun or two? The insurance requirement only serves to keep firearms out of the hands of the poor. Rather than save lives, it will instead result in more deaths of people who can no longer afford to purchase a firearm for self defense.

Of course, not one of these gun laws would have prevented Othniel Askew from shooting the councilman. Considering that Askew was allowed to waltz past the security guards without even going through the metal detector, I would argue that it was liberalism that killed Councilman Davis, not lax gun laws. Since Askew knew Davis, he was given preferential treatment which enabled him to evade security. That's how liberal elitism works; rules for you, but not for me. Rather than treat everyone entering the building equally under the law, Davis was permitted to wave his guests through security unchecked. Apparently giving the friends of councilmen special treatment like this was a normal procedure, and at the time, nobody suspected anything. Unfortunately for Davis, his elitist mentality turned out to be fatal.

I say, don't blame the gun. It performed just like it was supposed to.

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so did the liberal elitism...

you and I have had this discussion a few times, I do believe... I think you've made a believer of me, too.

think about it for a second... he's shot with a gun, so the gun-grabbers (who look for any excuse to limit gun ownership to those who would use them for crime) use it as a case-in-point.

Now, let's play make-pretend: If they guy was beaten to death with a sandwich from Subway, would they try to ban Subway sandwiches??

No, of course not... they'd blame the ninja who knew how to beat a guy to death with a Subway sandwich.

Shouldn't it be the same with guns? You shouldn't blame the firearm... you SHOULD blame the guy who knew how to point it at someone, pull the trigger and take a life.

It's really all about accountability. There isn't any in our society. It's always someone else to blame, not the perp.


Posted by: Jim S at August 27, 2003 1:58 PM

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