GFW: Gun indicators will eliminate accidental shootings

iconGFWs are hoping that California's already tough gun laws will get even tougher. KPBS notes that gun grabbers are pushing for a law that would require every gun sold in California to have an indicator showing whether or not it is loaded. Supporters of the law claim that it will prevent accidental shootings, when the contrary is probably true. Good gun safety means you assume every gun is loaded until you prove otherwise. Relying on an external indicator is much more dangerous, and encourages complacency.

Plus, forcing needless technological changes on the industry will jack up prices, which is exactly what gun grabbers want. Raising the price of guns will impact how many are bought and sold. Unfortunately for the poor, it means it'll be much more expensive for you to protect yourself. How long before we hear about a young single woman who was murdered by her abusive boyfriend, because she couldn't afford the extra $100 it cost to buy a gun?

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