Hate speech is ok when liberals say it

iconMarv Essary gives us this wonderful essay on the double standard of "hate speech". Ann Coulter is constantly villified and Trent Lott was forced to step down, while Maureen Dowd and Howell Raines are given a pass.

Indeed, when this person started attacking Ann Coulter and accused her of being a racist member of the KKK, someone who runs over kittens, and someone who makes "black people slaves", I offered up my disagreement. It was after I pointed out the irony of this person using "hate speech" to accuse Ms. Coulter of "hate speech", that I was banned for of all things, using "hate speech". Hows that for a circle jerk? It seems too easy for people to conclude that because someone disagrees with them, it must be hate speech.

The thing is that hate speech is exactly the kind of speech that is protected by the First Amendment. If we all agreed with one another, there would be no need for free speech protections. Although it is not my style to ban people (I have yet to ban anyone), I don't have too much of a problem with being banned, or someone not wanting me to participate in their discussion. After all, that is their right when they are footing the bill. I just shrug it off and ignore them.

Still, I can't help but get out my ode de self-righteous stink spray and point out that those people living in those glass houses, shouldn't be so quick to throw stones at those whom they perceive to be hateful and intolerant.

UPDATE: Another case in point.

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God I HATE liberals.

Posted by: Brent at September 3, 2003 11:29 AM

This is pretty old and I had it on my site when I had one. I also posted some of it to right wing Texan when he was up and running. It is to me the most nasty bit of bile that I've read and it was directed at Ann Coulter. If you've seen it I apologize but for those that haven't here 'tis. The Dulles branch of NOW you may recall broke with the national organization of NOW over President Clinton's treatment of women.
And, lest we forget, how about Alec Baldwin saying Henry Hyde should be beaten to death. Bill Maher hoping that Katherine Harris was shot by O.J. Or Spike Lee saying that Charlton Heston should be shot with a .44 magnum.
And when liberals mention Ann's comment about Tim McVeigh and the NY Times but then are reminded of Michael Moore's comment about the WTC and the terrorists should have instead attacked red America rather than blue America they see nothing wrong.

Posted by: tom scott at September 3, 2003 3:44 PM

I suspect that many left liberals such as myself don't agree with that attack on Ann Coulter. Like Bill Maher who is a declared Libertarian, in so many words said to Larry King, it seems to me that we are adults and adults can be friends with a variety of people with a variety of views.

I may not like Ann's point of view, but she lives a fearless life and I honor her for doing so. It seems she also has friends who do not agree with her, yet she accepts them. Regardless of her views, she seems to be a good example to all of us.

Posted by: Charles Munn at September 7, 2003 2:07 PM

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