Note to Trolls: Bite Me

iconSometimes trolls just don't get it. Mr. du Toit, like most other webloggers, isn't immune to the "who cares what you think" response from some mindless trolls armed with a web browser and a keyboard. Recently Kim received the typical, "You're a fucking dork. Who gives a shit what your favorite things are." comment, and the always sinister "Why don't you go back to where you came from?". Kim responded most eliquently:

I write on these pages because I want to, on subjects which appeal to me, or which are deserving of my splenetic rants. If I had five readers, or five million, it wouldn't change one damn thing.
It reminded me of something I said not too long ago.
I do it for myself, and no one else... I would probably still do it if nobody read it.
The anti-immigrant attitude doesn't surprise me or even bother me. It is naked prejudice that should be taken at face value and promptly ignored. Like Kim is going to hop on the first plane back to his homeland because some dimwitted troll thinks he doesn't belong here.

No, what gets me is these people who think they should be the arbitor of what is allowed on the web and what isn't. Believe me, there are plenty of sites that are a huge waste of time out there. Any fan site devoted to David Spade or Pokemon, for instance, doesn't interest me at all. Ok, I couldn't actually find a David Spade Fan Club site, but that isn't the point. I don't write the author of any site and ask them just what the hell they think they are doing.

Sending someone an email to tell them I think they have a crappy web site is just hateful and mean. It serves no purpose, other than to try to hurt someone's feelings. And as any lefty should know, Kim, as well as other conservatives like myself, don't have any feelings.

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Oops this lefty again agrees with you, with the exception of attributing all such innane responces to lefties. Those sort of responses can come from all sorts people, left, right, middle, etc. I suspect they do it out of fear. That is, for some unknown reason they're intimidated and mindlessly lash out.

Posted by: Charles Munn at September 12, 2003 12:19 PM

Oops on me. I never meant to insinuate that all trolls were lefties. In fact, I never even mentioned it. I merely borrowed the typical lefty mantra that all conservatives are heartless and tacked it on the end. In doing so, it was not my intention to direct the whole post to them.

I think we all know that nuts and wackos cut across all boundaries.

Posted by: Ravenwood at September 13, 2003 7:22 AM

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