Racial slurs seem to be blase

iconRecently California Gov. Davis slammed Arnold Schwarzenegger for being an immigrant. During a speech fit for fellow cross burning democrat Robert Byrd, Davis claimed that "you shouldn't be governor unless you can pronounce the name of the state." Davis' lily white campaign speech even whipped the crown into a 'hate-speech' frenzy, as one supporter yelled out "He's a foreigner!". I guess immigrants need not apply for job as Governor of California. I wonder if Bustamante has an accent?

Arnold isn't immune from the action either. Drudge reports that it is being said that Schwarzenegger has a history of racist comments.

In a completely different incident, protestors are crying 'racism' for the removal of Dallas' first black police chief, by the first Mexican-American city manager. During the protest, some activists blamed the ouster on "sell-out wetbacks". In recent years, black activists have held up signs with similar ethnic slurs, or chanted "Go back to Mexico."

Even Italian wine makers are getting into the act with their historical series of wines. I cannot speak for the wine, but the labels that depict Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are certainly in poor taste. Germany has asked the Italian government to investigate whether or not the wine with labels "depicting Nazis Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler violates European Union anti-racism rules".

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