And they're blaming cell phones

iconIt has long been thought that the movement against using cell phones while driving had little to do with safety. Statistics show that modern drivers are faced with all sorts of distractions while driving, and that eating, drinking, and messing with the radio all cause more accidents than talking on the cell phone. Reuters reports on a German man who has taken distracted driving to the extreme.

German police caught a man playing the flute with both hands as he sped through traffic at 80 miles per hour on a busy highway, police said Wednesday.
Yesterday morning on my way to work, I saw a woman eating a bowl of cereal while she was driving. She had one hand holding the bowl, and the other on a spoon. I don't know what, if anything, was holding onto the wheel.

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You can steer with a knee. Driver's ed won't teach you that but it works fine. It doesn't mean you're distracted. A distraction is something like a suddenly discovered wasp inside flying around.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at September 11, 2003 10:24 AM

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