Easy Rider

iconSenator John Edwards, whose only apparent political experience is having been elected a U.S. Senator from North Carolina in 1998, has announced his candidacy for President, reports the Washington Post. To kick off his campaign, Edwards spouts every class warfare cliche from the lefty playbook. Here are some select favorites.

Instead of 'opportunity for all, special privileges for none,' [Bush has] given us 'opportunity for all the special interests.'"

The candidate said his goal as president would be to make "opportunity the
birthright of every American."

Edwards said his campaign was built on "new ideas and old values" and he
promised not only middle-class tax cuts but also health care for all children,
prescription drugs for seniors and a year of college tuition for all students
willing to work for it.

"That's the great promise of America -- a fair shake for all, a free ride for none."

He's plans to raise taxes on the evil rich, and use the money to provide "free" health care, "free" prescription drugs, and a year of "free" college. Then he has the chutzpa to say it is the rich who are getting a free ride.

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