Red Carpet Rodeo

iconPersonally, I don't understand how people get into the whole Emmy thing. I guess there are plenty of people out there that chase the stars, watch the Hollywood tabloids, and read People magazine. Maybe it's just my almost unbearable stench of self righteous, but to me it all seems kind of self-serving and pointless.

Now, I like to watch movies and television as much as the next guy. I probably watch more History Channel or Discovery than any network TV outside of the Simpsons or Football, but I just don't get as star struck as some people do. Personally, I would be bored as hell standing behind some velvet rope waiting for movie and TV stars to make their grand red carpet entrance.

Now I will admit that there are plenty of movie stars I wouldn't mind sitting down and having a beer with because I find them interesting. In the end though, they are just people. When it comes to their personal lives, I could give a rats ass unless it is interesting. For instance, Harrison Ford rescuing someone from the side of a mountain in his helicopter is interesting. Ford dumping his wife to hook up with the homely waif Calista Flockhart is embarrassing. Ben and J-Lo being on again off again is just fucking pointless fluff. All too often the fluff is just part of a gradiose advertising campaign for their upcoming movies. It isn't exactly coincidental that stars go on talk shows right before their album/movie/tv-show debuts.

CNN and FOX can report anything they want. But don't expect me to stay up late to catch the Emmys or Oscars, because I just don't care.

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yeah, but the sopranos won.. and that is the best damn show on tv!

Posted by: John Mays at September 22, 2003 7:49 PM

I love the Sopranos, and I'm glad they've been recognized for their work. But the fact that they lost Best Drama doesn't make me love them less, just like the fact that West Wing won Best Drama doesn't make me love them more.

Posted by: Ravenwood at September 22, 2003 9:01 PM

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