Comment of the Day

iconI think that this comment on this post pretty much speaks for itself.

Reader "Slick Wiilly" writes:

Cliton was the greatest president in the 20th century. Plus he also had the longest period of economic growth in US history. Will keeping terrorism at bay. And using funds correctly. Don't listen to this rightwing propaganda. Read Al Franken, Michael Moore. Don't be sway by fox news. If you are, your a puppet!!!!!!!
He appears to be a typical democrat supporter.

Comments (3)      top   link me


The sheer illiteracy of the comments by Clintonistas demonstrates why there need to be intelligence tests to screen potential voters. Someone who believes that Cliton (sic) is responsible for economic improvement is black-hole stupid. For Palm Beach Democrats, let me explain; black-hole stupid is so stupid that any possibly intelligent thought that might come near their brain gets sucked into the abyss, never to be retrieved again.

Posted by: Will Coffman at September 25, 2003 5:53 PM

Tried to leave you mail, but the form gave me a 404, so, while this is unrelated to your post, it is something you should know:

I have IE 5.0 at work, and your site displays very strangely. I have 5.0 on purpose to catch messes in the GUI one wouldn't otherwise see before software goes to clients who have, well, ancient browsers.

If you're interested, I can take a screen shot and get it to you; everything looks fine on my browser at home 5.5 (yet another version where I can test things others might overlook). Essentially what happens is that a column appears on your posts that limits the amount of text that appears on a line. Essentially, you have almost NO text on a line - maybe about 150 - 200 pixels' worth (which isn't much with the size of that font). Since you're not using tables and your stylesheets are external, I don't think I can spot the problem in the source. (Gave it 3 mins and gave up).

Friendly neighborhood copperheaded geek,


Posted by: hln at September 25, 2003 6:55 PM

They told us in school that taking acid (LSD) could mess up your kids. Slick Willy's parents must've been at Woodstock and dropped the brown acid.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at September 25, 2003 10:09 PM

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