Ravenwood - 10/28/03 06:00 AM
Ananova has an interesting story about Tony Blair's recent heart ailment. Blair claims the condition is new and that he's never had trouble with the ticker before. Bill Clinton claims that Blair confided with him in the past, and that he's known about the heart condition for years.
Mr Blair's spokesman insisted that his irregular heart beat, which caused him to be hospitalised briefly last week, had never happened before.Not that it is a very big deal, but someone appears to be lying, or to give the benefit of the doubt, is "mistaken". Now, which person in this story seems to have a history of not being able to tell the truth? Hmm.But ex-US President Clinton was quoted in the Sunday Mirror as saying: "I've known about this for a long time. He told me about it quite a few years ago.
"Now, which person in this story seems to have a history of not being able to tell the truth?"
Both of them. That's what makes it so difficult.
Posted by: Kim du Toit at October 30, 2003 10:25 PM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014