Democrats try to woo the South, by insulting them

iconHoward Dean comments on pickup trucks and confederate flags in an attempt to woo southern voters. As you can see by some of the comments from his rivals, insults to Southern heritage ensued.

"I would rather be the candidate of the NAACP than the NRA." -- Presidential Candidate John Kerry. Is there anyone John Felafel Kerry won't pander to? Kerry also said that Howard Dean's "pandering" to the National Rifle Association gave him an inroad to "pander to lovers of the Confederate flag."

"I want people with Confederate flags on their trucks to put down those flags and vote Democratic (sic)" -- Presidential Candidate Howard Dean. Dean went on to offend everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line. "We have working white families in the south voting for tax cuts for the richest 1 percent while their children remain with no health care," Dean said. "The dividing of working people by race has been a cornerstone of Republican politics for the last three decades - starting with Richard Nixon. ... The only way we're going to beat George Bush is if southern white working families and African-American working families come together under the Democratic (sic) tent, as they did under FDR."

"I don't want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks, I will win the Democratic nomination because I will be the candidate for guys with American flags in their pickup trucks." -- Presidential Candidate Dick Gephardt.

"The Confederate flag flies in the face of our most deeply held American values - diversity, equality and inclusion." -- Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark. Since when is "diversity" a deeply held American value? Did Patrick Henry say, "Give me diversity or give me death"?

"Governor Dean ought to be more careful about what he says. It is irresponsible and reckless to loosely talk about one of the most divisive, hurtful symbols in American history." -- Presidential Candidate Joe Leiberman. Devisive and hurtful? Is he talking about the pickup trucks.

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