Daschle suddenly worried about wasting time

iconThe Senate Republicans are pretending that they have a set of cahones and plan on forcing a so-called "real" filibuster. Actually, it isn't a real filibuster because it has a time limit. The time limit means that Democrats simply have to pay their dues before they win the fight to block a vote on several minority judges.

The spinelessness of Republicans doesn't surprise me at all. What did shock me was Tom Daschle's reaction to being faced with the weak ultimatum that he must filibuster for a mere 30 hours before being pronounced the winner.

"We are going to set up our action room just off the Senate floor as we have done on other good debates such as this," Daschle told Fox News. "We'll have a presence on the floor for the full 30 hours."

Daschle says this forced debate on judicial nomination is a "misuse of time."

Only Daschle can get away with being the king of obstructionism, holding up minority judicial nominations for over 2 years, and then claim the Republican's 30-hour side show is a "misuse of time".

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