The Matrix Sucks

iconI see I'm not the only one who wants his $8 back after seeing The Matrix 3. Hawkins pretty much hits the nail on the head about just how stinky the movie is.

How many times do I have to say this? Don't go see this hideously bad, soul-suckingly atrocious, godawful movie!
Personally, I don't care if you go see it or not. But you might as well flush your money down the toilet. It's just as much fun, and doesn't take nearly as much time.

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Actually, I liked it. Yes, the dialog sucked, but I thought the story was good, the effects were cool, and I actually liked the ending. I'm not sure what people expected from this movie. No, it wasn't as good as the first one, but I didn't really expect that. For me, the story followed through to a logical conclusion given what we had learned in the second film. I think the problem is that alot of people wanted a different ending.

Just my $.02.

Posted by: Robert at November 11, 2003 11:59 AM

I thought the ending was pretty logical, although I had to explain it to the people I was with.

I just didn't like the dialog and storyline. My overall feeling was one of boredom.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 11, 2003 12:06 PM

Flushing your $8 down the toilet is much different from spending it on the movie. If you flush it, it's a gift to the government - they notice that the money supply is a little low and print another $8 and spend it; you give up one turn saying what the economy should do, leaving that turn up to the government. If on the other hand you spend it on the movie, you encourage the production of more movies and not what the government wants. It's your choice. Let's hope you have the wisdom to choose wisely.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at November 11, 2003 12:15 PM

What did you expect? The second Matrix was awful, so this one had to be AT LEAST God-awful.

Posted by: Owen Courrèges at November 11, 2003 12:17 PM


Encouraging the production of more Matrix movies is NOT what I want.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 11, 2003 12:30 PM

I'll be different. I liked it. I thought it was OK and it concluded the trilogy adequately. I wasn't expecting a religious/philosophical epiphany, and didn't get one.

IT'S A MOVIE - and it entertained me for two hours. That's generally all I ask.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at November 12, 2003 8:37 AM

The Matrix Ruled........ all my frends thought so. Although i will admitt that tthe music suckd soooooooooooooooo badly. common

Posted by: Simone at November 14, 2003 4:12 PM

WOW. that's all i should say but i will continue. i am a matrix fan. scratch that i am a matrix top 100 fan. most people hated the second one but for me i liked it mroe than the original because it played with my head and took me a month to conclude my thoughts and map everything out which the first one took a few days to do so. since i am a college student and am not able to see the matrix 3 at midnight on nov 5th i was able to see it afterwards. let me give my opinion on this film that should've been great. i heard that it was bad but i plugged my ears for a few days and yelled at people talking about it in public. i finally got the chance to see it, sittin on the edge of my seat waiting to find out how would such a great movie beautifully end i sat there for two hours and 9 minutes hoping for a good ending and was left with a feeling of hopelessness and anger. the third movie was horrible. the music sucked. the graphics were great but not half as what we've seen in the second one. the one good scene of graphics was the neo to smith punch at the end. the ending was the worst ending in hollywood history. it was horrible. and the feeling of knowing that i will not get another movie no matter how much theya re paid will haunt my thoughts forever. the movie was defnitely worth seeing to give you some closure but just yo let you know out there that closure was horrible and this movie would be a good movie if they didnt get our hopes up from the first and second ones. this one sucked. it FUCKING SUCKED.


Posted by: cz at November 15, 2003 12:31 AM

It seems that the W. brothers didn´t know what to do with the theme. ¿To much girls and booze since 1999? Maybe. I would say that they just sold out. ¿Where´s the point about what culture does with human being? There were a lot of paths to follow with the plot of the first movie, but.....
And they are going to make the fourth one, I can bet it.

Posted by: Lucho Gallardo at November 16, 2003 1:31 PM

I went to see the movie by myself, so my friends wouldn't bother me with stupid questions. I sat there for 2 hours, and WANTED TO LEAVE on more than one occassion (and I'm saying this as a big fan of matrix).
The psychobabble and philosophy references had nothing to do with the movie... they were just put in there because "matrix is supposed to have philosophy mumbo jumbo in it". The ending doesn't make sense, and the machines' leader doesn't make sense and Smith's becoming "too powerful to handle" doesn't make sense, and Neo offering "peace" to the machines (and them accepting it) doesn't make sense, and the creator's claim he will release all the humans doesn't make sense........nothing makes sense. what a horrible horrible movie. I cannot believe they had the NERVE to publish it.

Posted by: 9o9 at November 16, 2003 3:40 PM

Unlike most, I really enjoyed The Matrix Reloaded. Unlike most movies, it demanded that the viewer do some thinking & analyzing, the answers weren't going to be spooned out to you. Many of the names and concepts were symbols, & you needed to be familiar with both Biblical & computer symbolism to "get it." So I was looking forward to The Matrix Revolutions. But I was unhappy that they found it necessary to kill off major characters, and I missed those crazy twins with the white dreadlocks. I still will likely buy both DVDs. Flawed the films may be, but they are taking sci-fi films in a sophisticated direction that I'd like to see continued.

Posted by: P D MacMillan at November 16, 2003 8:21 PM

Anyone who thinks the second matrix film is worth a shit, is a goddamn idiot. I saw "Reloaded" and almost puked on myself, because it was so fucking lame. I mean whats the deal with that whole Neo/Trinity love scene and the concurrent Christina Agulleria video? If those fucks are the last existing hope for mankind, then bring on the eternal servitude to the machines. The movie is pure shit, and I will not see the third one. And a little note to Ron, I will take the 8 bucks and wipe my ass with it. I will mail it to you, so you can support Hollywoods intrests. Because they are sooooo much more noble and pure of heart than those of our Gov.

Posted by: J-Nutz at November 17, 2003 4:31 PM

I was disappointed by Revolutions. I am the webmaster of and you cannot accuse me that I "didn't get Reloaded" and thus didn't get Revolutions. Without wanting to be annoying (hehe) I can say that I read most of the theories regarding Reloaded and most of the twists fans THOUGHT would be implemented in Revolutions.

But what happened? The Wachowskis fooled us. GODDAMMIT, none of the riddles has been resolved, Morpheus is degraded to a driver's mate, and Smith vs. Neo is the same as always but a little more air action.

Aargh, the Wachowskis wasted the potential they were sitting on.

Posted by: knnknn at November 19, 2003 10:20 PM

O.K. heres my two cents...take away all the bad acting, saturday morning g.i. joe diologe, and terible cliched storyline form reloaded and revolutions and what are you left with good action scenes right? WRONG! you are left with tremendously boring action sequnces that go on forever, and have no emotional involvement whatsoever. It's like watching a remote controled car repetedly bump into the couch. "oh, but the highway scene was a classic" get real i've scene better chase scenes on C.H.i.P.s!

Posted by: joey at November 20, 2003 11:08 AM

I didn't like revolutions as much as I thought I would, mostly because I seen it on a huge ass IMAX screen and wasted a perfectly good 10 bucks on it when I could have seen it at the screen next door for two bucks cheaper with better sound (wasn't too impressed with the sound in the imax either. where the hell was the bass? ? ?) I think it's a movie I'll have to see a few more times to actually get exactly what the fuck was going on and to appreciate the special effects more.

anyway, from what i seen on the imax, I thought it was boring as hell with meh dialog (didn't really like the ending either). but it had its nice graphical moments here and there and i'm sure i'll enjoy them more when i see the movie on a smaller screen... and with better sound.

thanks for listening

Posted by: Jesse at November 24, 2003 12:06 PM

Hey People;
the antinomonies of the subject object world are resolved in a higher order (ie nondual) synthesis (a la Hegel, aurobindo etc)). It's not a dualistic good vs evil or man vs machine movie. It's a brilliant attempt to point to the non-dual. People don't get it becasue it's so obvious.


Posted by: Paul at November 26, 2003 3:35 PM

Holy shit, cz, you totally read my mind!! I loved the Matrix Reloaded, and I HATED Revolutions! What really pissed me off though was the cliffhanger in Reloaded (after I watched Revolutions). Why couldn't they at least leave the SECOND movie with a good ending?? I mean the "now we're even" thing. Because after watching Revs and seeing my fovorite character appear for 15 mins, get engaged in a NOT NEARLY AS GOOD FIGHT SCENE AS THE GOVERNMENT LOBBY, SAY 10 SENTENCES and die in the middle STUCK ON A COUPLE OF SENTINEL LEGS, I think that the cliffhanger thing just leaves a bad taste in you mouth. Now the Trilogy is ruined, and the second and best part is ruined. I'M WRITING MY OWN MATRIX ENDING! FUCK REVOLUTIONS!

Posted by: maxa at December 7, 2003 9:47 AM

Revoliutions sucked so much. First of all, the ending was judt terrible. I mean what the hell: after fighting with for hundret years machines to end with peace. Man, I thought I would break my TV screen with my fists. Just imagine it would be the same ending in LOTR. Peace between Sauron and Gendalf? Yeah, same with smith becoming the main badass. F**k!!! He was just a bad guy, and now he's god? If brothers W had made Star Wars, Im sure they would have put Jabba Hut as the main villain in the ending. And dialogs sucked. And effects were just not-matrix style. So, in conclussion:
STAR WARS(old trilogy): 1part-ok 2part-good 3part-great
LORD OF THE RINGS :1part- good 2part- good 3part-good
MATRIX: 1part-good 2part-ok 3part - SUCKED JUST EVER SO MUCH!!!!!

Posted by: Skratersbraher at December 20, 2003 11:55 AM

Ron Hardon. You Are By Far The Biggest Morron I Have Ever Seen In My Life. Get A Few Friends, Go To Church, Stop Being "Gothic" And Get A Life. And Matrix Is For Gothic Retards. It Just Sucks.

Posted by: Ron Hardon at December 30, 2003 3:48 PM

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