Muggers have a right to know who's packing heat

iconOhio Governor Bob Taft has been one of the largest champions of criminal's rights since Illinois Governor Ryan commuted or pardoned everyone on death row. Taft has been a strong supporter of the "carjacker protection" passage of the concealed carry bill, which would make carrying a gun in your vehicle illegal unless it was disabled so that it could not be used for self defense.

Taft's latest move to protect the criminal class involves setting up a database whereby criminals could check to see if potential victims possess a concealed carry permit. Taft thinks that muggers and rapists should not have to confront victims without knowing whether or not they are armed. As such he has threatened to veto any bill that does not include a provision for an informational database on who has a concealed firearm permit and who doesn't.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Taft said that criminals have a right to know who has a gun and who doesn't. Of course the ones who should really be worried are those that don't. Taft's bill would make them an easier mark.

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