Anti-smokers are not pro-choice

iconRadley Balko waxes poetically about property rights and anti-smoking:

The fact that Washington residents can currently choose between establishments that do or do not allow smoking somehow smacks anti-tobacco activists as oppressive. The goal isn't to ensure that everyone has options, it's to make sure everyone is forced to choose the option they've deemed appropriate.
Balko notes that the anti-smoking crusade is not about freedom it is about tyranical control over human behavior. Anti-smokers and their apathetic enablers have gone from pursuading people not to smoke, to mandating it with the threat of lethal force.

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Every last one of these con men should be in jail. That goes for the drug warriors, too.

Posted by: Brett at November 21, 2003 8:27 AM

And the tobacco Nazis and their fellow-travellers will keep on doing this, because nobody will fight back. Is the board of Philip Morris so completely gutless that they won't challenge these people and dare them to back up their ludicrous lies? Why not file a lawsuit against them for violating the free association clause in the Bill of Rights? Why do smokers keep rolling over for this?

Posted by: Ripper at November 21, 2003 12:16 PM

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