Ravenwood - 12/04/03 06:00 AM
According to News Max, Howard Dean has apparently never heard of the First Amendment. When asked about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Dean said that he'd break up media corporations that don't toe the Democrat line.
"Eleven companies in this country control 90 percent of what ordinary people are able to read and watch on their television," the ex-Vermont governor complained to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who then asked the candidate point-blank:Dean did sense the trap Matthews was trying to spring on him, and started backpedaling fast. He did go on record as saying, "What I'm going to do is appoint people to the FCC that believe democracy depends on getting information from all portions of the political spectrum, not just one.""Would you break up Fox? ... Rupert Murdoch has 'The Weekly Standard.' It has got a lot of other interests. It has got the New York Post. Would you break it up?"
Dean shot back, "On ideological grounds, absolutely yes."
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