GFWs pushing to expand Aussie gun ban

iconAnyone who says gun registration doesn't lead to confiscation needs a good swift kick to the nads. In Australia, where the only legal gun is a registered gun, GFWs are pushing for a total ban on some models. The claim is being made that even legally owned firearms are easily stolen and used for evil, thus legal owners should be punished.

[National Coalition for Gun Control] chairwoman Samantha Lee says the use of a stolen semi-automatic Glock pistol in a gunfight at a Hurstville carpark in Sydney on Sunday shows that legal handguns can easily become illegal guns.

Ms Lee says the ownership of such guns outside the police force should be banned.

"We question why anyone within Australia requires a semi-automatic handgun for civilian use," she said.

[Banging my head against the wall] Again with the need argument. I'm not going to rehash this again, but I will bring up something I wrote back in July.
When you start trying to justify property ownership on the basis of need, you start down a path that could rid us of many of today's modern devices. For instance, any one of us could get along without our refrigerator, television, computer, telephone, video game system, toaster, or even electricity. The automobile strikes me as being particularly unnecessary.

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