What Liberal Media?

iconCheck out the common thread making the rounds on major media, as reported by the MRC.

"Former Vice President Al Gore, who actually won the popular vote in the last election -- Gore versus Bush -- has decided to endorse Howard Dean..." -- Peter Jennings on ABC.

"Gore's seal of approval, remember, comes from the man who won the popular vote for President in the 2000 election..." -- Wyatt Andrews on CBS.

"The man who won the most votes for President last time plans to vote for Howard Dean this time. Tonight, what the Gore endorsement really means." -- John Seigenthaler, filling in for Brian Williams on CNBC.

"Former Vice President Al Gore, who lost the race for President even though he won the popular vote, has decided to back Howard Dean." -- John Seigenthaler, filling in for Brian Williams on CNBC.

"Former Vice President Al Gore -- who if nothing else can say he received more votes in a losing campaign than George W. Bush did in a winning one..." -- Aaron Brown on CNN.

"Former Vice President Al Gore, who won the popular vote in the last presidential election, will endorse former Vermont Governor Howard Dean..." -- Brian Williams on NBC.

Ahh, the mythical popular vote. As if Presidents have ever been elected that way. It never seems to bother these people that smiling Bill Clinton only ever garnered 42% of the "popular vote". Considering that many absentee ballots were never even counted in some states because they would not have affected the outcome, we may never really know who "won" the "popular vote".

Meanwhile, Neal Boortz points out what a first class asshole Al Gore is showing himself to be, by turning his back on Joe Lieberman. If you remember, Lieberman called Al Gore, and made sure that he wasn't planning on running again before throwing his hat into the ring. Gore apparently didn't even give him the courtesy of a phone call before thrusting the dagger into his back.

Category:  Blaming the Media
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Damn that electoral process! :)

Posted by: Brent at December 12, 2003 9:25 AM

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