Spending cuts are never an option

iconHell, I'd be happy if they'd just hold spending for a year or two. In November, I knew that when tax and spend liberal "fiscal conservative" Gerry Connolly won the Fairfax County Supervisor seat, that it would spell trouble for Fairfax residents. (like myself) I just didn't think it would happen so soon. Nary a month has passed since the election, and Connolly is already raising taxes. Fairfax county is planning on raising real estate assessments by 10%, while the local government is patting themselves on the back for not raising taxes as much as they usually do. In recent years the assessments have increased an average of 16.2%, so in some circles this will probably be considered a tax cut.

The tax hike will mean that the average Fairfax tax payer will shell out over $4000 a year, and that 60% of all county taxes will come from property taxes. Connolly wants to change that by collecting all sorts of other additional taxes. He is pushing the state to allow Virginia counties to levy their own food taxes, hotel taxes, and cigarette taxes. He claims that he'll use the money for "homeowner tax relief". (The very same homeowners for whom he just raised taxes.)

In 2004, Fairfax County will spend almost $4.5 Billion (with a B).

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