Ravenwood - 12/15/03 09:00 PM
I made it back home to Virginia tonight. I see that nothing really important happened while I was gone. The best way to sum up my trip is with the classic Far Side cartoon about the special place in hell for people who drive slow in the fast lane. Unfortunately, Gary Larson doesn't allow people to share his cartoons, so rather than scan it and post it, it's going to have to stay put on my bulletin board.
I did NOT get to go shooting while I was up there. My friend's wife wouldn't let him go, which only serves to justify my life of bachelorhood. Sorry ladies, but for every good woman out there looking for a decent man, there are at least two more who won't let their husband go out with his friends. It's not like I drove 400 miles or anything. Oh wait, I did. I'm really not upset about it, but I will point out that while I have seen countless wives stop their husbands from going out with their buddies, I have never once seen a man tell his wife she couldn't do the same.
I did get to see a lot of my family, and for that I am grateful. Thanks to my cousins for putting up with me, giving me a place to stay, feeding me dinner, and taking me out drinking. It was quite a blast, and hopefully they'll make it down to D.C. sometime so that I can offer my hospitality in return.
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