Gun Control Game Plan

iconKim du Toit takes a close look at what the enemy is doing. It seems that Americans for Gun Safety Control has a game plan for Democrats to further the gun control agenda. Kim takes a look at their game plan on a point by point basis, but I think he doesn't quite address the bigger picture.

After reading both Kim's excellent analysis and the AGS document, I can only conclude the following. By losing key democrat supporters, the AGS has been effectively neutered. To me, the document appears to be a desperate attempt to sell gun control (or "gun safety" or whichever) to the Democrat Party. Democrats have been burned on the issue many times in the past, and this appears to be the gun grabbers attempt at wooing them back under the guise that there will be no political fallout.

That is of course, untrue; there will be tremendous political fallout. However, AGS may just succeed in achieving some of their short term goals; extending/expanding the "assault weapons" ban, and closing the "gun show loophole", at the expense of the careers of their political allies in Congress.

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