Ohio Senators propose another gun ban

iconI don't think it will ever pass, but here is a bill for Ohioans to keep an eye on. Several state senators seem to think that the 1994 Clinton Gun Ban will be repealed. Their response is to pass a statewide gun ban that will keep those baby-killing, spray-firing, semi-automatic bullet hoses out of the hands of Joe Taxpayer. If the Clinton Gun Ban is allowed to die, and the Ohio state legislature doesn't take action, Ohio will be just like Dodge City. There will be wild west style shootouts with deadly AK-47s that were so popular back in the 1880s. There will be killing in the streets. Blood in the gutters. Babies will die. It will be total anarchy.


[Ok. I'm done.]

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Looks like it's time to send a letter to my rep.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at January 2, 2004 11:08 PM

After the Anthrax scare, they aren't real thrilled with letters from the constituency.

Try a phone call, instead.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at January 3, 2004 11:52 PM

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