Ravenwood - 01/19/04 06:00 AM
President Bush selected long time nominee, judge Charles Pickering to serve on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. He purposely timed the nomination during the Congressional recess, to avoid the Democrat filibuster. It's all legal, but Democrats will undoubtedly cry foul. (Can they/will they sue?)
John 'F-ing' Kerry has already started to unravel: " It is outrageous that yet again, one day after laying a wreath on Martin Luther King's grave, George W. Bush is unilaterally installing a man on a federal appeals court who advocated tirelessly on behalf of a cross-burner. Yet again, this Bush Administration is ignoring the will of the people and threatening civil rights on behalf of right wing ideologues."
Kerry follows the Gore-like argument that the side that got less votes is the "will of the people". While I'm pleased to see Pickering take the bench, I would still like to ask "Where's Estrada?"
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