Spoons of the Union

iconSpoons blogged the State of the Union Address. I thought about doing it, but I wouldn't have been able to get up and get a beer as often. Besides, why should we do the work when Spoons will do it for us. Here are a few things that made me think "Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Of course, these are just some of the highlights, so please go read the rest.

Afghanistan: Businesses, schools, rights for women. I wish he's hit the women more (er, you know what I mean). The treatment of women in Islam is barbaric. If we manage to fix that anywhere, it's a great thing. Bush shouldn't be shy about taking credit for it. [...]

Very effective listing of the countries that supported us. Good to say, "and the seventeen other countries," rather than listing ones that public-school edumacated Americans have never heard of. [...]

"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country." Awesome. [...]

Only Republicans going to cheer good economic news? Makes sense, I suppose.

"These numbers confirm, that the American people are using their money far better than government would have, and you were right to return it." That'd be a better line if Bush's government hadn't gone on spending like a Democrat. We can't both spend the same money. [...]

Are those BOOOS for making tax cuts permanent?!? Have I heard boos at the SOTU before? I think maybe but it's rare. Don't Donks worry that voters might, you know, like, be watching this?

Stop junk lawsuits. Possibly the most important domestic policy initiative that no one's really pushing. Don't hold your breath.

Personal retirement account. That might be tied for most important. [...]

"A governemnt run health care system is the wrong prescription!" If it were possible to die from Irony, Bush would have just murdered 50 million people. [...]

$300 million for ex-cons? I want to hear more about this. Just don't give the fuckers the vote. [...]

I just figured out something. Jesse Jr. brought his kid so he wouldn't have to be caught standing or not standing at times when it could be politically dangerous. Expect to see at least 500 infants and toddlers in the chamber next year.

Of course, this is just a taste. Spoons had plenty of other good stuff and some more zingers. Please click the link and read the rest.

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