Twenty-Two Into 40 Could Equal Serious Time

iconFox News reports that a hapless would-be armed robber barged into a 7-11 store with an unloaded rifle in an attempt to rob it. He tried loading the rifle once he entered the store, but found it difficult to cram the .40 caliber rounds into a .22 caliber chamber. Not to be disuaded by the laws of physics, he continued with his armed robbery only to suffer the wrath of three of the stores customers.

"He's trying to cram a .40-caliber bullet into a .22-caliber rifle," Broward County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Leljedal told the newspaper. "It's like twice as big as the gun will fit. It won't go."

Despite his weapon's lack of deadliness, the teen pointed the gun again at the cashier and said, "Give me the money -- don't make me do this."

Three customers saw their chance and jumped on the gunman, tackling him, kicking him and finally standing on him until police showed up.

It would have been a better story had it read "kicking him until the police showed up."

Category:  Dumb Criminals
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