Ravenwood - 02/06/04 06:15 AM
A federal judge unilaterally ruled that the NFL's hiring practices are descriminatory and violate anti-trust laws. For those of you that don't know, the ruling was a response to a lawsuit by former Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett. Clarett was declared ineligible for NCAA competition in 2003 after it became known that he may have violated NCAA regulations by accepting "improper benefits" and then lying to investigators about it.
NFL rules require players to be out of high school at least three years prior to entering the NFL draft. Clarett had been out of high school only a year. I don't think that Clarett has enough experience for the NFL, but I'm sure that there are plenty of teams out there willing to take a chance on him.
Personally, I think it poses more of a threat to the NCAA than it does the NFL. The ruling opens the door for college players to start leaving after one or two years, or jumping to the NFL straight from high school (as do NBA players).
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