Ravenwood - 02/11/04 06:30 AM
When I lived in Atlanta, you couldn't rent a passenger van on election day. The reason being, Democrats would rent all the vans in town to drive people to and from the polls. The core of their no Democrat left behind strategy was to get as many potentially Democrat voters to polls as possible. That said, rocker and Democrat campaigner, Moby, offers up a different strategy.
"No one's talking about how to keep the other side home on Election Day," Moby tells us. "It's a lot easier than you think and it doesn't cost that much. This election can be won by 200,000 votes."Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if I went on the web and started posting lies about Moby in an attempt to lower sales of his next album, that would be slander. If proven, I could be sued for damages.
Moby suggests that it's possible to seed doubt among Bush's far-right supporters on the Web."You target his natural constituencies," says the Grammy-nominated techno-wizard. "For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you're an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.
"Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, 'What's all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?'"
Category: Celebrities Unscripted
Comments (4) top link me
Maybe we should just rent all the vans ourselves? I'll rent one if you will.
Posted by: Kingslasher at February 11, 2004 7:11 AMMoby's statements are about as despicable as anything I've ever heard suggested in a partisan context.
I'm more or less used to Democratic vote fraud -- do what you do best, I say -- but if they descend to the actual propagation of scurrilous lies about GOP candidates, I'm getting out the AR-15 and affixing the laser sights.
Democratic vote fraud?
How about fake protests at a Florida canvassing board organized by the Bush team in 2000 to get them to stop re-counting? Talk about fraud.
How about the purging of thousands of SUSPECTED for previous felony conviction voters from the eligible lists of eligible Florida votes... and you guys talk about voter fraud?
You see, you're a Republican, that means you are blind to your own hypocrisy. So I won't blame you for the trash you write, I'll just point out that ANYTHING you say Kerry is guilty of, Bush is just as, if not much more, guilty.
Oh, and no one trusts him anymore.
Posted by: johnpowers at February 13, 2004 3:05 PMPoetry boy Powers. Can you explain to me what a fake protest is? Protestors that were really in favor of infinite recounts with changing standards in only heavily democratic counties, merely acting like they were outraged?
You also said "I'll just point out that ANYTHING you say Kerry is guilty of, Bush is just as, if not much more, guilty". Can you show us where Bush has voted against every modern weapons system? Did Bush throw more of his friend's medals back at congress? Has Bush married more heiresses? Flip flopped more on the issues?
Used botox more?
I think you should stick to poetry.
Posted by: Kingslasher at February 14, 2004 10:02 AM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014