A pro-gun Libertarian's reasons not to vote for Bush

iconAngel Shamaya from Keep and Bear Arms enumerates the reasons not to vote for George W. Bush. (paraphrased)

Even after he'd won the election, President Bush voiced support for the Clinton/Feinstein "assault weapon" ban.

President Bush's Administration opposed U.S. Supreme Court review of a valid Second Amendment case (U.S. v. Emerson).

President Bush's Administration also played insulting roles in three other Second Amendment cases:
A) Direct Opposition to U.S. v. Thomas Lamar Bean
B) Silence and Indifference Throughout Silveira v. Lockyer
C) Anti-Second Amendment Nonsense in Seegars v. Ashcroft

President Bush's Administration snubbed tens of thousands of gun owners when they submitted a Petition for the Enforcement of the Second Amendment.

President Bush praises and defends the insultingly-named "USA PATRIOT" Act, which includes numerous provisions that pave the way for widespread violations of Americans' basic rights.

With Mr. Bush's enthusiastic support, the BATF -- an entire anti-Second Amendment federal agency -- was moved under the Justice Department.

Under Mr. Bush's Administration, the right of the people to keep and bear arms (and many other fundamental rights) is even absent from the new Constitution of a nation our troops are allegedly "liberating."

Bush supporters argue that he is better than the alternative. I hate to burst your bubble, but electing the lesser of two evils doesn't exactly motivate me to go to the polls in favor of Bush, and it certainly doesn't motivate me to send him any money.

Will I vote for Bush? Probably. Can he count on my support? Not likely. If the election is at all close, he's going to be in a lot of trouble.

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