San Francisco to outlaw Starbucks

iconIt's no secret that California liberals like to stifle business and competition, and then bitch about the lack of jobs and poor economy. Now San Francisco (80% to keep Gray Davis) plans to take socialism one step further by banning chain stores.

The amendments to the city's planning code would ban all chain stores in a four-block area of Hayes Valley, require additional permit reviews in Cole Valley, and require chains to notify neighbors if they intend to raise golden arches in one of the city's three-dozen commercial retail neighborhoods, including North Beach, Clement Street, the Castro and the Inner Sunset. [...]

Chains, say opponents, don't keep money in the neighborhood. Chain outlets are less likely to patronize local lawyers, accountants and suppliers, relying instead on help from the corporate office out of town, foes maintain.

These morons actually think that by limiting competition and keeping prices artificially high, they're helping the economy.

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