My cure for insomnia

iconOkay, okay. I've put off doing this meme long enough. Basically, I don't read crap like this, and I never figured you'd want to either. But then again, someone must be reading it because I see it being passed around a lot. I figure that while I post a lot and let people in on certain aspects of my life, I generally don't talk about my personal life as much as other folks. So, in an effort to open up and be more {augh} personable, here goes:

* Full Name: Ravenwood
* Birth date: November 28th. (Leaving the year off. Don't want you guys opening a credit card in my name.)
* Birthplace: Virginia
* Current Location: My bedroom
* Eye Color: Brown
* Hair Color: Brown with increasing grey "highlights"
* Height: 6'3"
* Righty or Lefty: right
* Zodiac Sign: If you're into this 70s crap you can figure it out from by birthdate, genius.

* The shoes you wore today: Rockports
* Your weakness: Guns and cigars.
* Your fears: None. I'm fearless.
* Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni and banana peppers.
* Goal you'd like to achieve: Earn my pilot's certificate.

* Your most overused phrase on AIM: LOL
* Your first waking thoughts: Time to make the donuts.
* Your best physical feature: Broad shoulders and a strong back
* Your most missed memory: College daze.

* Pepsi or Coke: Coke - I'm from the South.
* McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's
* Single or group dates: Single
* Adidas or Nike: Rockport
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Anything fresh brewed.
* Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
* Cappuccino or coffee: Coke.

* Smoke: Cigars.
* Cuss: My father was a sailor and my mother, a sailor's wife. What do you think?
* Sing: Only in the car.
* Take a shower everyday: Yes. I'm not French.
* Do you think you've been in love: Yes.
* Want to go to college: Been there, done that.
* Liked high school: Yes, but that was before zero tolerance, political correctness, and metal detectors.
* Want to get married: Probably not. Other people are too hard to live with.
* Believe in yourself: What good Libertarian wouldn't?
* Get motion sickness: No way.
* Think you're attractive: It doesn't matter what I think.
* Think you're a health freak: No. I'm always looking for new ways to pollute my body.
* Get along with your parent(s): Yes. But it takes lots of alcohol sometimes.
* Like thunderstorms: Absolutely.
* Play an instrument: Yes, several.

In the past month:
* Drank alcohol: Who me?
* Smoked: A cigar, yes.
* Done a drug: No.
* Made Out: Yes.
* Gone on a date: Yes.
* Gone to the mall: Yes.
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No.
* Eaten sushi: Yes.
* Been on stage: No.
* Been dumped: No.
* Gone skating: No.
* Made homemade cookies: No.
* Gone skinny-dipping: No. It's winter.
* Dyed your hair: No. I'm a man.
* Stolen anything: No.
* You sound boring: At least I'm not the one still reading this crap.

* Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes.
* If so, was it mixed company: Of course, I'm not into playing "strip poker" with a bunch of other guys if that's what you mean.
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes, but never trashed enough to play "strip poker" with a bunch of other guys.
* Been caught doing something: Yes, but never caught playing "strip poker" with a bunch of other guys.
* Been called a tease: No. Guys don't tease.
* Gotten beaten up: Well, there was that time I suggested playing.. I mean NO! I've never been beaten up.
* Shoplifted: Once when I was 12. Got caught. Scared me straight.
* Changed who you were to fit in: In college I once walked into a stranger's apartment during her birthday party to get free beer.

* Age you hope to be married: I'll die first.
* Numbers and Names of Children: I don't know any children, nor do I have their number. Try someone else, freak.
* Describe your Dream Wedding: Is this meme for chicks? Guys don't dream about weddings. (They're called nightmares.)
* How do you want to die: With my boots on. Also, I never want to be attached to a piece of luggage.
* Where you want to go to college: If I ever go back to get my MBA, it'll probably be Virginia Tech.
* What do you want to be when you grow up: I yam grown up, and I yam what I yam.
* What country would you most like to visit: The United States (The way it used to be, around the 1870s)

* Number of drugs taken illegally: None.
* Number of people I could trust with my life: I'm paranoid, and trust no one.
* Number of CDs that I own: Several hundred, but I haven't bought any since the RIAA started harassing people.
* Number of piercings: None.
* Number of tattoos: None, because they won't do it while I'm drunk.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Probably three or four.
* Number of scars on my body: Too many to count.
* Number of things in my past that I regret: Well, there was that time I asked my buddies to play... oh nevermind.

What's your favorite:
* Person: I like some people better than others, but I don't have any favorites.
* Song: Again, I don't play favorites.
* Color: None.
* Place: Anyplace with beer.
* Thing(s) to do: Drink, smoke, hang out with friends.
* Position: I'm not picky. I'm pretty much just happy to be there.
* Feature: I look for a woman with a terrific personality. (See how stupid that sounds, ladies.)

* Describe your perfect life partner: I'm looking for a woman who will love me for who I am, and who won't try to change me into what they want me to be. She'll also know when to shut the hell up. So far, I haven't found her.
* Describe your perfect date: The perfect date would be a sexy, intelligent, brunette with ample boobs and a good figure. She wouldn't be too skinny, and would let me pamper her as I see fit. She wouldn't be threatened by a man who opens her door, orders her meal, or picks up the check. A little sex at the end of the night would be nice too, but it's not necessary.

Category:  Essays
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Posted by: Mays at March 30, 2004 10:12 AM

I had insomnia last night (actually, early this morning.) It didn't work.

I'm suing.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at March 31, 2004 11:13 PM

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