Ravenwood - 04/01/04 01:15 AM
Political correctness has run amok in England, as a youth soccer league (which they incorrectly call football) is demanding that the local news services not publish any lopsided scores.
The Sheffield and District Football League has forbidden its members from sending scores to the Derbyshire Times after the newspaper reported how an under-nine team was "trounced" 29-0 in a crucial match.I feel bad that the little tykes lost, but pretending it never happened doesn't seem like the best lesson to teach. Life is full of winners and losers, and if you're going to pretend that there are no losers you might as well not play the game. The adults can even go so far as to stop keeping score, but the kids will still know who won. You can ban the scoreboard and declare everyone a winner, but the kids will still know who scored the most goals. Competitiveness is human nature, and stifling it will take more than censorship of the press.The league, believing this description could heap even more humiliation on children from the losing side, told the newspaper it could not cover any more junior league matches until it agreed not to publish results in which the score exceeds 14 goals.
Category: Fall of Western Civilization
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What are these people trying to teach here - that life IS fair?
Posted by: hln at April 1, 2004 2:17 PM"Category: Fall of Western Civilization"
Exactly right.
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