Cleveland violates law, turns away concealed carry applicants

iconWhenever you let the government regulate your right, you turn that right into a privilege and give them the ability deny you that privilege. Last week in Ohio, when most County Sheriffs began processing applications for the concealed carry of firearms, the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) Sheriff's office was turning citizens away.

Chief Deputy Charles Corrao said the office has not received the necessary computer equipment from the state to process applications for the concealed-carry license. But officials did hand out informational booklets about the new law and blank applications Thursday.

Corrao said it could be another four to six weeks before the department will be able to start accepting applications. Even then, background checks could add 45 more days to the process.

Sheriff McFaul, and Deputy Corrao expect citizens to put their rights on hold for what they claim will only be another 6 weeks, because the department is unprepared to obey the law. So, should they be fired for willfully disobeying the law, or should they be fired for not being properly prepared? Either way, they should be forced to issue temporary permits to all applicants, until such time as they are prepared to do their duty properly.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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I couldn't agree more. This sham is just one more example of bureaucratic foot-dragging that govenment uses to RULE US instead of enforcing the law. Those bastards should be run out of town on a split-pine rail.

Posted by: Acidman at April 12, 2004 11:34 AM

Cleveland is a bastion of Democratery. It gave us Dennis Kucinich and current US Senator George Voinovich (RINO-OH). To think the Sheriff would act any differently is delusional.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at April 12, 2004 10:50 PM

Mansfield (Richland County) actually stepped up and added an extra day to the schedule to meet demand!

Posted by: Tazteck at April 14, 2004 11:30 PM

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